Metal/Standing Seam Roofs

Over the years, metal roofing has been gaining momentum for its use in residential construction. The standing seam is vital to the integrity of metal roof paneling. It is a point of connection that holds the proverbial hand of a construction project’s integrity.

If roof issues are not addressed, problems have a trickle-down effect. Metal roofing panels are measured in worth by their weakest point. The burden of installing a proper metal roof rests on a proper metal standing seam. Proper installation results in

  • No visible fasteners
  • No element exposure
  • Low maintenance
  • Longevity

Reasons to Choose Metal Standing Seam Roofs

Few things hurt the curb appeal and aesthetic value of a home than something that does not look right. Standing seams create a fluid look. Less jarring options lend to the appeal of metal roofs. The hidden fastener system used is among the most significant benefits.

A selling point of standing seams is protection from the weather. Hidden fasteners do not puncture the panel or expose it to the weather, which provides a higher level of protection. Nothing is more devastating than moisture or lousy weather finding its way into the nooks and crannies of a roof.

Holes in shingles can be problematic. Tempestuous rain, high winds, and soil movement create conditions that may compromise the integrity of a roof.  Another benefit is the ability to engineer the roof with snow and solar retention options.

The standing seam metal roof has a definable seam extending vertically from the flat surface of the panels. A standing seam provides additional support and rigidity. Standing seams are well-made, which makes them and the panels low maintenance. Low maintenance is good news for a homeowner.

Metal Roof

Types of Standing Seam Roofs

The standing seams provide a more appealing and attractive look. There are primarily three types of standing metal roofs.

  • Two-inch Mechanical Lock
  • One-inch Mechanical Lock
  • Tru Snap Series

The two-inch is an excellent choice for bold roofing designs. Others find the one-inch metal lock panel equally appealing. The Tru Snap Series is an alternative to mechanically seamed panels. It is often selected for residential standing seam roofing applications.

Properly installed metal roofs have a lifespan between 40 and 60 years. The paint color also lasts for decades. Traditional asphalt shingles have a lifespan between 15 and 20 years.

When looking for a company to install a metal roof, you want Divine Metal and Roofing for the project. Our experience is in every facet of residential roofing, and we maintain the proper licensing and classification.